Christmas Order Delivery Deadlines
Framed Prints & Canvas Prints - 1st December
Loose Prints - 8th December


Free shipping worldwide on all Framed Prints and Canvas Prints. Yep that's right, order any Framed Print or Canvas Print and we’ll deliver it anywhere in the world via DHL free of charge. If you reside in the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, all duty and customs charges are included in the price. In other countries you may be responsible for paying any duties, sales tax and customs clearance charges that may be due on entry to your country. 

All products are handmade with to order, right here in New Zealand. Production times as below. 

Print Only: 3-5 working days
Framed Prints: 10 working days

Canvas Prints: 10 working days

You should also allow an extra 1-2 days for shipping within New Zealand, 2-3 days to Australia and North America, 3-4 days to Europe.


collectionId 131517 gi 1104905ec2345bc34b0 group identifier groupId

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collectionId 138056 gi 1104905f6aa97fa9d1d group identifier groupId

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collectionId 138055 gi 1104905f6aa95c4d51a group identifier groupId

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collectionId 138690 gi 1104905f78e5d1c76af group identifier groupId

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collectionId 131524 gi 1104905ec259f08137d group identifier groupId

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